Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Technology Integration Plan

The education goal of the lesson plan I chose to use for the technology integration plan is to increase student understanding of censorship. The lesson is intended for a twelfth grade English Language Arts classroom, but adjustments may be made to lesson plan for it to be used in elementary grades. The lesson plan aims to raise social consciousness of the representation of ostracized groups in media institutions by analyzing and criticizing forms of media. This will segue into students doing a close reading of a banned text of their choosing and determine if the text should censored or not. The lesson plan will end with students creating a campaign to ban or not ban the text they read.
The Common Core standard in the first row of the technology integration matrix focuses on students evaluating how information is presented in different media or formats to address a question. The question that students will address is: how do media institutions manipulate the minds of consumers? Students will learn about cultural criticism and then use that lens to identify how media institutions and technology foster oppressive ideologies. The educator will use the smartboard to screen television and magazine advertisements to the classroom. Meanwhile, students will use Notability on the iPad to take notes and assist them with their analysis on the presented forms of media. The iPad will also allow students to access the forms of media that the educator presented to the classroom again.  Students will be given enough time think critically and then share and discuss their analysis with a designated partner. The think-pair-share activity will segue into a large-group discussion of the underlying messages the consumer consumes through various forms of media. The educator will take notes that highlight the classroom discussion on Google Docs, students will be able to view the notes the educator is jotting down on the smartboard, and the educator will share the document with the students on the classroom’s Google Drive. Afterwards, students will search through the Internet for a form of media that promotes oppressive ideologies and write an analysis on the medium. The students will post the form of media they selected and their analysis of their selection on Google Blogger. The classroom will be required to comment on two blog posts for homework and the blog posts will be assessed. Additionally, the four ISTE standards are met because students are gathering information found on the Internet, thinking critically about the information to address the problems with media institutions, and create blogs to critique and communicate information.
The Common Core standard in the next row of the matrix focuses on the students’ ability to distinguish central themes of a text and analyze the expansion and interaction of the themes throughout the text; an provide an objective summary. The educator will present students with a list of banned texts; they will do research on the reasons for the text being banned and the class will cast an informed vote on which text to use for the lesson. Once the text has been selected, students will read the text using Subtext, a digital reading app on the iPad that facilitates close reading. The educator will highlight vital passages for students to pay extra attention, create open-ended questions and multiple choice to assess students understanding of the text. The educator will also integrate videos, images, and web links into specific parts of the text to help students connect themes. The class will collectively create an objective summary of the text through a class discussion. The educator will listen to the discussion and address any misconceptions as he or she mind maps the summary on Bubbl.us and shares it on Google Drive. After, students will individually work on mind mapping the relationship between the themes and their development in the text by providing textual evidence on Coogle. Students will share their Coogle with a designated partner and collaborate to expand on each other’s mind maps. Lastly, students will voice their opinion on the censorship of the text and provide textual evidence to support their opinion in a blog post on Blogger. Peers will comment on each other’s blog posts and respectfully comment. The educator will assess the students’ ability to support their argument. All ISTE standards are met because students conduct research and make an informed decision on the text they will use for the lesson plan. Also, students are learning from each other’s mind maps and contributing to the expansion of other’s mind map. Blogger is a fundamental tool because students are creating blog posts as a mean of personal expression.
The last Common Core standard in the matrix is intended for students to meticulously develop claim(s) and counterclaims, and provide evidence that highlights the strongpoints and limitations of their claim(s). The student should also be conscious of the audience to who she or he is writing to and their potential biases. The final standard in the technology integration matrix makes an explicit connection between the first and second standard. Students can work individually or in pairs to create an advertisement campaign to support their decision to censor the text or not. They will try to persuade the audience to support their cause. Students should use at least one of the propaganda techniques that was identified and discussed in the beginning of the lesson plan. Students can get as creative as they wish and are required to use one form of technology. Students can create a Facebook page, Twitter account, create a magazine advertisement, radio advertisement, poster, bumper sticker, t-shirt design, and/or television advertisement. Students will present their form of advertisement to the classroom and the class will respectfully discuss and analyze the effectiveness of the advertisement. The final project of the lesson plan meets the ISTE standards of “creativity and innovation” and “communication and collaboration” because students are creatively collaborating to communicate their position on the issue of censorship to large masses through forms of technology. Hence, I integrated technology into this lesson plan with the objective to raise social consciousness of how media institutions and technologies promote oppressive ideologies of marginalized groups, but also too show how students can use those same mechanisms and technology to collaborate with each other and take action against the powers at be that believe they have the authority to ban books!